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Location Query Response


This is the response to the Location Query.

API endpoints for Location Query Response

Sync REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/patient-search/location-query-response.

Async REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/endpoint.

Data Model JSON for Location Query Response

LocationQueryResponse - Sample Payload
"Meta": {
"DataModel": "PatientSearch",
"EventType": "LocationQueryResponse",
"EventDateTime": "2022-08-16T14:21:20.733Z",
"Test": true,
"Source": {
"ID": "6981ef4c-6b84-4f1f-94c0-d94cadd65873",
"Name": "EHR Bridge Dev Tools"
"Destinations": [
"ID": "2875a7fe-93d1-4772-8b40-b8c898283c06",
"Name": "Destinations EMR"
"Logs": [
"ID": "835ab295-c20c-412f-8428-d7e9012adb71",
"AttemptID": "246bc713-0e62-420d-bb95-88ede891f646"
"Message": {
"ID": 5565
"Transmission": {
"ID": 12414
"FacilityCode": null
"Patients": [
"Identifiers": [
"ID": "0000000001",
"IDType": "MR"
"ID": "6a3353d8-2675-486f-8f73-885e715d45df",
"IDType": "EHRID"
"ID": "6bcb4ba2-7d1d-479c-be5e-4c6013eb0981",
"IDType": "NIST"
"Organization": {
"Name": "Test Org",
"Aliases": [],
"Identifiers": [
"ID": "0000000001",
"IDType": "FACID"
"ID": "",
"IDType": "OID"
"Contacts": [
"Purpose": null,
"Name": "Allena, James",
"EmailAddresses": [
"PhoneNumber": {
"Home": "+18088675303",
"Work": null,
"Mobile": "+19189368865"
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "123 MainHall St.",
"City": "San Jose",
"State": "GA",
"ZIP": "86754",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"